Create your personal portfolio website in less than 10 minutes

Create your personal portfolio website in less than 10 minutes

Can you?


2 min read


  1. Inside your terminal, clone betterai-portfolio template and install dependencies.

     git clone
     cd betterai-portfolio
     npm install
  2. Open the cloned folder using a text editor. Go to /custom/data.ts and update according to your personal details.

     import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";
     const introduction = {
       title: "YOUR NAME",
       text: "And a brief description of you",

    You may add a photo for each project by saving them under the /public/images directory, and adding the image file name in projects.

     const projects = [
         title: "Software development",
         text: "",
         works: [
             title: "Portfolio",
             text: "A portfolio project to show my capabilities",
             link: "/",
             year: "2024",
             github: true,
             image: "portfolioscreenshot.png",
  3. Get creative! Changing the colors according to your style by replacing color values in /custom/theme.scss.

     $light-background: #e9e5fb;
     $dark-background: #070721; 
     $highlight-text: #f7f5f9;
     $light-text: #e8dcc7;
     $lowlight-text: #535d65;
     $dark-text: #070721;
  4. Run the application on your local machine.

     npm run dev
  5. Go to http://localhost:5173/ and enjoy your very own portfolio!

  6. This is your own codebase - feel free to explore different parts of the code such as the background in /src/components/ParticleBackground or the text styling in /src/pages/Introduction. You can check out my live demo at